During the last quarterly of 2017, COERR Kanchanaburi’s agricultural activity under Livelihood Program for the vulnerable refugees continued successfully. Refugees attending agricultural training course received seeds and tools or animals to start their farm activities and earn income. Some farmers also became COERR staff and attended more training and meetings to help other farmers. In October a workshop was organized to develop these camp-based refugee staff (CBRS) in their skills. Some CBRS were likely to become trainers in the future. After the rainy season, the soil was appropriate for planting. Farmers cut grass, set up their plot and started cultivation so they had benefited from production since then. Some farmers acquired skills in animal raising training course and now have activities like fish, frogs, pigs or goats raising. Some raised chicken or ducks and had supplement food or earned regular income from egg production.
In November, vegetable cultivation in containers was provided which benefit 24 vulnerable families who had only little space.There were two livelihood fair events organized in November. At Ban Tham Hin camp, the Fair was organized on 1-3 November and at Ban Don Yang camp, the event was organized on 22-24 November. Each 3-day event had drawn approximate attendance of 1,500 visiting production and sales including watching the Friendship football match between the elderly team and the camp committee team which promoted health and unity among them. In December, the program wrapped up with progress on participation of 945 families or 2,222 refugees in both camps consisting of 2,082 farmers in cultivation of vegetables and mushroom and 104 farmers in animal raising activities. There were 34 refugees benefiting from recycling shop, food shop, weaving, sewing and T-shirt screening.

Support for the Vulnerable with little space to plant vegetables in containers in November.

Visit to Livestock and Vegetable Gardening Plot and Meeting with Farmers on 19 December 2017

Agricultural Production in Livelihood Fair at Ban Tham Hin camp in Rachaburi Province, on 1-3 November 2017

Livelihood Fair for Vulnerable Refugees at Ban Don Yang camp on 22-24 November 2017

During 23-24 November 2017, there were Trainees’ Certification Ceremony of Basic Small Animal Raising Course in Ban Don Yang Camp.

Farm Activity Visit at Tham Hin in October 2017

Visit Refugees’ Livelihood Activity Progress at Ban Don Yang Camp